What Is The Best Tactical Pocket Knife

engraved pocket knife

The best tactical pocket knife is dependable, tough, and more common than you think. Pocket knives are some of the most useful tools you can imagine, and having quick access to one has a plethora of benefits. From boring ones to life-changing ones, you can accomplish countless tasks. You can save people from a burning vehicle, you can defend yourself from an attack, or you can hunt for dinner.

Everyone should own at least one tactical pocket knife. Whether you find yourself in the woods, in a war zone, or you are a first responder, these types of knives are designed to withstand some of the toughest stuff nature can throw at you.

Many people have misconceptions about pocket knives and their uses. Some even consider them not safe to carry. In this article, we will give you some tips and information about pocket knives and why you should own one.

What Is a Tactical Pocket Knife and Is It Legal?

best tactical pocket knife

While some consider them to be self-defense knives, others consider them to be utility knives. The truth is, they are both. A tactical pocket knife is a knife designed to be used for a wide range of purposes. Purposes such as camping, hunting, emergency rescue, everyday needs as well as a self-defense tool. The best tactical pocket knife will get the job done day in and day out.

But are they legal to carry on a daily basis? In short, yes. Laws vary from country to country regarding pocket knives. In many countries including the US, it is legal to carry a pocket knife. The pocket knife, whether it’s a tactical or a Swiss-army, should clearly be used for utility.

Even if it’s legal, you should know the laws thoroughly. Can you carry it at school, how long can the blade be, do you need a folder or you can carry it in your pocket? Get familiar with the rules and regulations before you buy a pocket knife, otherwise, you can end up with a fine for carrying a weapon, have your pocket knife confiscated, or even get yourself arrested.

Uses and Benefits – The Best Tactical Pocket Knife

There are many great pocket knives out there, but not all are built to perform under demanding situations. The best tactical pocket knife can be the difference when trying to help others in distress or defend yourself.

But beyond life-saving situations, a pocket knife can be used for a day to day tasks. You can use a pocket knife to open packages and parcels, cutting loose threads, cutting fruit, cutting zip ties, or sharpening a pencil. A pocket knife can come useful throughout the entire day to:

  • Slice fruit and veggies.
  • Open packages.
  • Open cans.
  • Carving.
  • Strip wire.
  • Open a wine bottle.
  • Cutting rope.

There is nothing you can’t do with a quality pocket knife.

A tactical pocket knife is especially handy when camping. Even if you are not camping, but you find yourself lost in the wilderness, a pocket knife can be the difference between life and death.

A quality pocket knife can be used to cut firewood, start a fire, defend yourself against a wild animal, cut rope, and prepare your dinner as well. A pocket knife can be used for all kinds of preparations in the wilderness.

Features to Consider Before Picking Up One

Before you purchase a tactical pocket knife, you need to make sure the knife is easy to use, secure, and effective. The last thing you want is your knife breaking or failing when performing a critical task.

What type of stainless steel you need, the length of the blade, and whether you need a serrated blade or a plain blade, are all features you need to consider before getting a pocket knife.

groomsmen knife gifts
Blade Material

Pocket knives are usually made from carbon steel or stainless steel. Carbon steel on tactical knives is not generally a good idea, because it is prone to chipping and snapping. Stainless steel thrives in most conditions and it’s perfect for small pocket knives.

Blade Length

Depending on what task you are performing, the length of the blade can make a big difference. Small blades are the ones that are from 1.5 to 2.7 inches long, and they are perfect for intricate tasks. Medium blades vary from 3 to 4 inches, and they are large enough to perform most tasks. Large blades are over 4 inches and are often too large to carry discreetly and in many countries illegal.

Blade Edges

The serrated edge is better for cutting tougher materials, the plain edge gives you better control and cleaner and more precise cuts, while a pocket knife with a combined edge can gives you the best of both worlds.


Because of their versatility, pocket knives are carried and used by firefighters, law enforcement, and military personnel. A pocket knife should be part of your everyday life too. You can use them for self-defense, mundane tasks, or even for emergency rescue. Having the best tactical pocket knife can save your life or the life of another person.

Uses and benefits of a single blade pocket knife

pocket knife gift set

Pocket knives are becoming so popular day-by-day, they are basically a form of art. In this article, you can find out what a single blade pocket knife is, what can you use it for, and why you should own one?!

Pocket knives are simple and functional tools used by many, including craftsmen, military personnel, but especially popular among outdoor enthusiasts. They are easy to carry and can be useful in a variety of situations. I can attest to just how useful a single blade pocket knife can be in everyday life. But if you don’t believe me, just ask around. A pocket knife is one of the most convenient tools you can carry with you at all times.

Finding the right pocket knife ultimately comes down to your personal preference. Are you going to use it for DIY crafts, for camping, for work? Whatever you use it for, it’s always useful to have a pocket knife on you.

So many people are missing out on some common tasks that you can perform by using a single blade pocket knife. We recommend two types of single blade pocket knives, a serrated folding knife and a straight edge pocket knife.

Uses and Benefits of a Single Blade Pocket Knife

multifunctional pocket tool

One thing I like about pocket knives is the practicality. These are some of the most practical ways you can use a single blade pocket knife in everyday life. Let’s start with the simplest ones.

Opening a package: This is probably the most common use of a pocket knife. Instead of running to the kitchen to grab a knife, your pocket knife is perfectly suitable for this task. Packages are usually taped pretty tight, so a sharp pocket knife is perfect for this occasion.

Peel and cut fruit: Another perfect example of why you need a pocket knife. Whether you are at work, in the park, or the woods, you need your daily vitamin intake, and peeling and cutting an apple with your pocket knife is very practical and even makes you look cooler.

Removing Clothing Tags: A single blade pocket knifeis great for removing those annoying plastic price tags on clothing, and it will only take a second of your time.

Adding a Hole on Your Belt: You don’t need to take your belt to the tailor, you can adjust it to your liking on the spot. This is actually a common and frequent situation and something you can instantly fix with a pocket knife. Simply place the belt on a flat surface and spin the knife left and right until it goes through.

Cutting a Seat Belt: Whether you find yourself in a burning vehicle or sinking in water, seat belts can often get stuck, and this is where your pocket knife will save your life or the life of a complete stranger with a single stroke. Having a quality single blade pocket knife is a must.

pocket knife gift set

Camping: Going camping without a pocket knife is unimaginable. It’s probably the most essential tool you can carry with you, whether you are making food, setting up your tent, or chopping woods. You can also use it for making fish traps or animal traps, skinning an animal or cleaning fish, or even sharpen another knife.

Protection from Rabid Animals: Many animal species are unpredictable, so whether you are fending off aggressive dogs in the city or wild animals in the woods, a pocket knife can give you a fighting chance and save you from certain death.

Self-defense: Pocket knives are designed to be useful tools and not a weapon, but in a life or death situations, you can certainly use it as a self-defense weapon. From other humans or the wild animals, carrying a pocket knife will make the difference for you in those situations where non-violence scenarios simply don’t work.

A few more examples of how you can use a pocket knife, like cutting a dog’s leash in an emergency, sharpening pencils, fishing, carving, cutting rope or zip ties, prying out batteries, opening a bottle, as a first-aid tool, even shaving.

There are many different types of knife blades found on pocket knives, and each blade has its own unique purpose. For example, the pen blade is not a versatile blade, you can’t use it for hunting or survival, but you can use it in some everyday tasks, like opening letters and packages. A drop point blade on the other hand is very versatile, and you can use it in extreme situations like survival and hunting. So it is important to think about what you will be using your pocket knife for, before you decide to spend money.

Difference Between a Single Blade Pocket Knife and Multiple Blade Pocket Knife

This debate is never-ending, should you buy a single blade pocket knife or multiple blade pocket knife? Well, let’s break it down.

groomsmen knife gifts

The multiple blades on some pocket knives are not there just to add weight to the knife or to look cooler. The reason why some pocket knives have multiple blades is to provide more versatility. More versatility often means more convenience because each blade can perform and complete different tasks. Having a wider range of blade options in some situations can be a lifesaver.

While having all these options and versatility sounds really great, there is a downside to owning and using a pocket knife with multiple blades. And the main downside is the lack of strength. The durability of a pocket knife can be the key to completing your tasks, in the wild, or at home. A single blade pocket knifeis usually stronger and more durable than a multiple blade pocket knife. So this is something you’ll need to consider when buying a pocket knife.

Many people often choose multiple blade pocket knives because of that cool factor, but in most cases, they end up only using one of the blades on a day to day basis. Which is why it’s better to find the perfect single blade pocket knife and use it whenever you need it.


There are so many types, shapes, and sizes of pocket knives, suitable for any application. I hope this article can answer your questions regarding what a single blade pocket knife is, what it can be used for, and why you should definitely own at least one. For more information and questions on other types of pocket knives and choosing the right pocket knives, check out some of our articles and feel free to find out more, we are at your disposal.

What is a Tactical Pocket Knife?

Tactical pocket knife

Everything you need to know about tactical pocket knives:

groomsmen knife gifts

Having a pocket knife is more common than you think, especially in the countryside (though it can still be useful in urban areas). Having quick access to a tactical pocket knife has so many benefits that it really can be a lifesaver. Literally (trust us, we’re experts!). A lot of people have some misconceptions about pocket knives, their uses and more importantly their safety. This article hopes to address that and give you all the information, instead of just one side.

Are pocket knives legal?

In short, yes. In the US and many other countries it is legal to own and carry a pocket knife. The pocket knife should clearly be for utility though, not as a weapon. This means a tactical pocket knife and a utility swiss army knife are very much fine, so long as their blade is under 4 inches, whereas a huge serrated knife is not okay and could be viewed as a weapon by the authorities.

The general rule of thumb for openly carrying a knife, even at school, is that 2.5 inches are the very maximum blade size. I’m not suggesting that you carry a knife to school, in fact, you probably shouldn’t, but you could technically. Most schools have strict rules about bringing in potential weapons, even if there are no laws against it. 

It is illegal to conceal and carry any non-tactical pocket knife or swiss army knife, especially bowie knives and dirks. It is also illegal to conceal and carry ANY knife when under the influence of alcohol or weed (in legal states). It’s dangerous and irresponsible not to mention illegal, just don’t do it.

What are some good everyday uses for pocket knives?

Tactical pocket knife

A tactical pocket knife has a huge range of everyday uses, they come in serrated pocket knife blades and straight edge pocket knife blades, they can be a really handy sidekick to get you through the day. Even if you don’t rely on using a knife regularly for work they can still come in useful throughout the day. You could use them to open parcels and packages, cutting fruit, cutting loose threads, sharpening a pencil or cutting zip ties. These things crop up daily, we would otherwise have to go traipsing off for a pair of scissors or a kitchen knife. Not a problem if we have our tactical pocket knife on us already. Read more about finding the most suitable pocket knife for you.

What if it’s someone’s birthday at the office, you’re all gathered around singing happy birthday, the birthday boy/girl has blown out the candles and oh no, no knife to cut the cake? Take out your knife and be the office hero! Get yourself a nice corner piece of cake.

Some not so everyday uses, but still important:

When camping it is always advised to have a tactical pocket knife on you, even if you arent camping but are in the wilderness it’s still highly recommended. A knife in the wilderness can be the difference between life and death. Your knife could be used to cut firewood, start a fire with a flint, fight off a predator, cut rope, or prepare your dinner when you kill and cook that predator. Your knife can also be the difference between you and boredom. It may not be the most thrilling use, but your knife can be used to whittle wood to pass the time.

Your knife can be used for cutting bait, gutting fish, cleaning the scales and after its cooked portioning it out. It can be used for all kinds of food preparations in the wilderness that would otherwise be impossible. Opening cans for example, without a pocket knife, is hard work. Cans were invented before the can opener, so that’s how they used to be opened!

Pocket knives can save lives.

stainless steel folding knife

The world is a dangerous place, its nice to have something to help you get through it one piece. Having a tactical pocket knife can save your life, the life of another person or the life of an animal.

If you, or someone else, are trapped in a burning car your knife can be used to cut away the seatbelt and escape the flaming wreckage. Any injuries sustained in the crash could be life-threatening and being able to slice away the injured person’s clothing to reveal the wound could be vital. You would also be able to fasten some makeshift gauze by cutting up bits of shirt or blankets.

If a dog is trapped, tied up to a tree, or in an abandoned house you would be able to quickly and safely free him by cutting his restraints. If not a tactical pocket knife, but a multi tool pocket knife can also come in handy.

Lastly in the worst-case scenario, someone is trying to attack you, you can pull out your knife and they may decide you aren’t worth the trouble and they’ll leave you be. I should warn you though, it’s always best to run. Only stand and fight if you have absolutely no other choice and its life or death.